Interface LogicalConnectionImplementor

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractLogicalConnectionImplementor, LogicalConnectionManagedImpl, LogicalConnectionProvidedImpl

public interface LogicalConnectionImplementor extends LogicalConnection
SPI contract for LogicalConnection.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getPhysicalConnection

      Connection getPhysicalConnection()
      Exposes access to the "real" Connection.
      The connection
    • getConnectionHandlingMode

      PhysicalConnectionHandlingMode getConnectionHandlingMode()
    • afterStatement

      void afterStatement()
      Notification indicating a JDBC statement has been executed, to trigger ConnectionReleaseMode.AFTER_STATEMENT releasing if needed.
    • beforeTransactionCompletion

      void beforeTransactionCompletion()
      Notification indicating a transaction is about to be completed, to trigger release of the JDBC connection if needed, that is, if ConnectionReleaseMode.BEFORE_TRANSACTION_COMPLETION is enabled.
    • afterTransaction

      void afterTransaction()
      Notification indicating a transaction has just completed, to trigger ConnectionReleaseMode.AFTER_TRANSACTION releasing if needed.
    • manualDisconnect

      Connection manualDisconnect()
      Manually disconnect the underlying JDBC Connection. The assumption here is that the manager will be reconnected at a later point in time.
      The connection maintained here at time of disconnect. null if there was no connection cached internally.
    • manualReconnect

      void manualReconnect(Connection suppliedConnection)
      Manually reconnect the underlying JDBC Connection. Should be called at some point after manualDisconnect().
      suppliedConnection - For user supplied connection strategy the user needs to hand us the connection with which to reconnect. It is an error to pass a connection in the other strategies.
    • getPhysicalJdbcTransaction

      PhysicalJdbcTransaction getPhysicalJdbcTransaction()
      Access to the current underlying JDBC transaction.
    • serialize

      void serialize(ObjectOutputStream oos) throws IOException
      Serialization hook.
      oos - The stream to write out state to
      IOException - Problem accessing stream