Interface DotIdentifierSequence

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
EntityIdentifierNavigablePath, FullyQualifiedReflectivePath, FullyQualifiedReflectivePathTerminal, NavigablePath, NavigableRole, SelectablePath, TreatedNavigablePath

public interface DotIdentifierSequence
A compound name.

Hibernate often deals with compound names/paths. This interface defines a standard way of interacting with them.

  • Method Details

    • getParent

      @Nullable DotIdentifierSequence getParent()
      The parent sequence part.

      Given the sequence a.b.c, returns the sequence a.b.

    • getLocalName

      String getLocalName()
      The name of this leaf sequence part.

      Given the sequence a.b.c, returns the string "c".

    • getFullPath

      String getFullPath()
      The full sequence text.

      Given the sequence a.b.c, returns the string "a.b.c".

      Implementation Note:
      This method may dynamically build the returned string and should be avoided for critical paths (comparisons,for example).
    • append

      DotIdentifierSequence append(String subPathName)
      Append a new part to the end of this sequence, returning the new representation.

      Given the sequence a.b.c, appending d results in the new sequence a.b.c.d.

    • getParts

      default DotIdentifierSequence[] getParts()
    • isRoot

      default boolean isRoot()
      Is this sequence node the root of the sequence?

      Same as checking the nullness of getParent().