Interface SqlAstQueryNodeProcessingState

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractSqlAstQueryNodeProcessingStateImpl, LoaderSqlAstCreationState, SqlAstQueryNodeProcessingStateImpl, SqlAstQueryPartProcessingStateImpl

public interface SqlAstQueryNodeProcessingState extends SqlAstProcessingState
SqlAstProcessingState specialization for query parts
  • Method Details

    • getFromClause

      FromClause getFromClause()
      Returns the in-flight from clause for the query node.
    • applyPredicate

      void applyPredicate(Predicate predicate)
      Apply the predicate to be used for the final statement.
    • registerTreatedFrom

      void registerTreatedFrom(SqmFrom<?,?> sqmFrom)
      Registers that the given SqmFrom is treated.
    • registerFromUsage

      void registerFromUsage(SqmFrom<?,?> sqmFrom, boolean downgradeTreatUses)
      Registers that the given SqmFrom was used in an expression and whether to downgrade EntityNameUse.TREAT of it.
    • getFromRegistrations

      Map<SqmFrom<?,?>,Boolean> getFromRegistrations()
      Returns the treated SqmFroms and whether their EntityNameUse.TREAT should be downgraded to EntityNameUse.EXPRESSION.