Package org.hibernate.sql.ast.spi
package org.hibernate.sql.ast.spi
Package defining support for creating and consuming a SQL AST.
ClassDescriptionAbstractSqlAstTranslator<T extends JdbcOperation>A simple walker that checks for aggregate functions.A simple walker that checks for aggregate functions.A simple walker that checks for aggregate functions.A walker that allows to replace expressions.Access to TableGroup indexing.Strategy for generating parameter markers used in preparable SQL strings.Simple implementation of FromClauseAccessA generator for new incremental SQL aliases based on a stemA SqlAliasBase that always returns the same constant.Generator for SqlAliasBase instances based on a stem.Standard SqlAliasBase implHelper used in creating unique SQL table aliases for a SQL ASTAccess to appending SQL fragments to an in-flight bufferThe "context" in which creation of SQL AST occurs.Access to stuff used while creating a SQL ASTGeneralized access to state information relative to the "current process" of creating a SQL AST.SqlAstProcessingState specialization for query partsSqlAstProcessingState specialization for query partsResolution of a SqlSelection reference for a given SqlSelectable.StandardSqlAstTranslator<T extends JdbcOperation>The final phase of query translation.Standard implementation of SqlAstTranslatorFactoryAccess to appending SQL fragments to a StringBuilder