Uses of Package
Packages that use org.hibernate.sql.ast.tree.cte
This package abstracts over the multifarious dialects of SQL
understood by the databases supported by Hibernate.
Contains implementations of
describing a range of relatively-sophisticated SQL functions available in various dialects.The JPA-standard criteria query API defines all the operations needed express
any query written in standard JPQL.
Package for the translation of SQM into SQL AST
Nodes representing common table expressions (CTE) in the SQM tree.
Package defining support for creating and consuming a SQL AST.
Package defining the SQL AST.
Support for common table expressions (CTE) in a SQL tree.
AST nodes representing
statements in a SQL tree.AST nodes representing expressions in a SQL tree.
AST nodes representing
statements in a SQL tree.AST nodes representing
statements in a SQL tree.AST nodes representing
statements in a SQL tree.-
Classes in org.hibernate.sql.ast.tree.cte used by org.hibernate.dialectClassDescriptionThe consumer part of a CTE statement - the select or insert or delete or update that uses the CTEThe kind of materialization that should be used for a CTE.A statement using a CTE
Classes in org.hibernate.sql.ast.tree.cte used by org.hibernate.dialect.functionClassDescriptionThe consumer part of a CTE statement - the select or insert or delete or update that uses the CTEA statement using a CTE
Classes in org.hibernate.sql.ast.tree.cte used by org.hibernate.dialect.function.jsonClassDescriptionThe consumer part of a CTE statement - the select or insert or delete or update that uses the CTE
Classes in org.hibernate.sql.ast.tree.cte used by org.hibernate.query.criteriaClassDescriptionThe kind of materialization that should be used for a CTE.The kind of CTE search clause.
Classes in org.hibernate.sql.ast.tree.cte used by org.hibernate.query.derived
Classes in org.hibernate.sql.ast.tree.cte used by org.hibernate.query.sqm.mutation.internal.cteClassDescriptionInformation about a column in the CTE tableThe consumer part of a CTE statement - the select or insert or delete or update that uses the CTEA statement using a CTEDescribes the table definition for the CTE - its name amd its columns
Classes in org.hibernate.sql.ast.tree.cte used by org.hibernate.query.sqm.sqlClassDescriptionInformation about a column in the CTE tableThe consumer part of a CTE statement - the select or insert or delete or update that uses the CTEA statement using a CTEDescribes the table definition for the CTE - its name amd its columns
Classes in org.hibernate.sql.ast.tree.cte used by org.hibernate.query.sqm.tree.cteClassDescriptionThe kind of materialization that should be used for a CTE.The kind of CTE search clause.
Classes in org.hibernate.sql.ast.tree.cte used by org.hibernate.sql.ast.spiClassDescriptionThe consumer part of a CTE statement - the select or insert or delete or update that uses the CTEThe kind of materialization that should be used for a CTE.An object that is part of a WITH clause.A statement using a CTE
Classes in org.hibernate.sql.ast.tree.cte used by org.hibernate.sql.ast.treeClassDescriptionThe consumer part of a CTE statement - the select or insert or delete or update that uses the CTEAn object that is part of a WITH clause.A statement using a CTE
Classes in org.hibernate.sql.ast.tree.cte used by org.hibernate.sql.ast.tree.cteClassDescriptionInformation about a column in the CTE tableThe kind of materialization that should be used for a CTE.An object that is part of a WITH clause.The kind of CTE search clause.A statement using a CTEDescribes the table definition for the CTE - its name amd its columns
Classes in org.hibernate.sql.ast.tree.cte used by org.hibernate.sql.ast.tree.deleteClassDescriptionThe consumer part of a CTE statement - the select or insert or delete or update that uses the CTE
Classes in org.hibernate.sql.ast.tree.cte used by org.hibernate.sql.ast.tree.expressionClassDescriptionThe consumer part of a CTE statement - the select or insert or delete or update that uses the CTE
Classes in org.hibernate.sql.ast.tree.cte used by org.hibernate.sql.ast.tree.insertClassDescriptionThe consumer part of a CTE statement - the select or insert or delete or update that uses the CTE
Classes in org.hibernate.sql.ast.tree.cte used by org.hibernate.sql.ast.tree.selectClassDescriptionThe consumer part of a CTE statement - the select or insert or delete or update that uses the CTE
Classes in org.hibernate.sql.ast.tree.cte used by org.hibernate.sql.ast.tree.updateClassDescriptionThe consumer part of a CTE statement - the select or insert or delete or update that uses the CTE