Uses of Package

Packages that use org.hibernate.sql.exec.spi
This package abstracts over the multifarious dialects of SQL understood by the databases supported by Hibernate.
SPI contracts supporting various aspects of JDBC interaction.
This package defines some central internal SPI abstractions used throughout the implementation of Hibernate.
An internal package containing implementations of central Hibernate APIs, mostly defined in org.hibernate.
Defines the internal implementation of the stored procedure SPI.
Defines an SPI for calling stored procedures and functions.
Contains a range of internal abstractions for dealing with query execution, query plans, query options, and query parameters.
Implementation of the SPIs for native SQL query support.
SPIs for native SQL query support.
Package for the SQM-backed Query implementation details
Support for multi-table SQM mutation (insert, update, delete) operations using a table to temporarily hold the matching ids.
Package defining a SQL AST for use in generation of SQL.
Package defining support for creating and consuming a SQL AST.
AST nodes representing expressions in a SQL tree.
Implementation of the SPI for execution of SQL statements via JDBC.
SPI for execution of SQL statements via JDBC.
Package contains specialized SQL AST nodes and builders for table mutations of model parts originating from normal persistence-context events.
SQL AST extensions for model mutations.
Concrete implementations of MutationGroup, MutationOperation, and TableMutation.
Extensions to JdbcOperation for model mutations.