Interface Cleaner

All Known Implementing Classes:

@Incubating public interface Cleaner
An object that produces the SQL required to truncate the tables in a schema.
  • Method Details

    • getSqlBeforeString

      String getSqlBeforeString()
      A statement to run before beginning the process of truncating tables. (Usually to disable foreign key constraint enforcement.)
    • getSqlAfterString

      String getSqlAfterString()
      A statement to run after ending the process of truncating tables. (Usually to re-enable foreign key constraint enforcement.)
    • getSqlDisableConstraintString

      String getSqlDisableConstraintString(ForeignKey foreignKey, Metadata metadata, SqlStringGenerationContext context)
      A statement that disables the given foreign key constraint.
    • getSqlEnableConstraintString

      String getSqlEnableConstraintString(ForeignKey foreignKey, Metadata metadata, SqlStringGenerationContext context)
      A statement that re-enables the given foreign key constraint.
    • getSqlTruncateStrings

      String[] getSqlTruncateStrings(Collection<Table> tables, Metadata metadata, SqlStringGenerationContext context)
      A statement or statements that truncate the given tables.