Package org.hibernate.tool.schema.spi
package org.hibernate.tool.schema.spi
An SPI for tooling related to DDL generation, export, migration, and validation.
Schema management actions may be requested programmatically by calling
SchemaManagementToolCoordinator.process(org.hibernate.boot.Metadata, org.hibernate.service.ServiceRegistry, java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Object>, org.hibernate.tool.schema.spi.DelayedDropRegistry)
ClassDescriptionAn object that produces the SQL required to truncate the tables in a schema.Indicates a problem accepting/executing a schema management command.Matcher for whether tables and sequences should be included based on its
Memento representing the dropping of a schema as part of create-drop handling.Callback to allow the built DelayedDropAction, if indicated, to be registered back with the SessionFactory (or the thing that will manage its later execution).Implementation of DelayedDropRegistry for cases when the delayed-drop portion of "create-drop" is not valid.Contract for how CommandAcceptanceException errors should be handled (logged, ignored, etc).Parameter object representing options for schema management tool executionExporter<T extends Exportable>Defines a contract for exporting of database objects (tables, sequences, etc) for use in SQLCREATE
scripts.Encapsulates the functionality for extracting database metadata used bySchemaManagementTool
.Describes a schema generation targetJPA ties the notion ofSourceDescriptor
together: meaning that a SourceDescriptor is specific to a given TargetDescriptor.Service delegate for handling schema creation.Service delegate for handling schema dropping.Defines a filter for Hibernate's schema tooling.Used to specify theSchemaFilter
s to be used by create, drop, migrate and validate operations on the database schema.Indicates a problem in performing schema management.Contract for schema management tool integration.Responsible for coordinatingSchemaManagementTool
execution whether from "", JPA-standard "jakarta.persistence.schema-generation.database.action", orSchemaManager
.For JPA-style schema-gen, database and script target handing are configured individually - this tuple allows interpreting the action for both targets simultaneouslyService delegate for handling schema migration.Service delegate for handling schema truncation.Service delegate for handling schema validationsContract for hiding the differences between a passed Reader, File or URL in terms of how we read input scripts.Contract for hiding the differences between a passedWriter
in terms of how we write output scripts.Describes a source for schema create, drop and migrate actions.Contract for extracting statements from source/import/init scripts.Indicates a problemAn object that produces analter table
statements needed to update the definition of a table.Describes the target(s) of schema create, drop and migrate actions.