Interface TargetDescriptor

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface TargetDescriptor
Describes the target(s) of schema create, drop and migrate actions.

The purpose of this "abstraction" of a target is to enable other back-ends (OGM) by simply describing where to target rather than defining the targets themselves. The reason being that ultimately the Java type representing a "DDL command" sent to these targets might be different (e.g., String for JDBC).

  • Method Details

    • getTargetTypes

      EnumSet<TargetType> getTargetTypes()
      The target type described here.
      The target type.
    • getScriptTargetOutput

      ScriptTargetOutput getScriptTargetOutput()
      If getTargetTypes() includes scripts, return a representation of the script file to write to. Otherwise, returns null.

      While it is ultimately up to the actual tooling provider, it is generally an error for getTargetTypes() to indicate that scripts are a target and for this method to return null.

      The script output target