Interface AssociationType

All Superinterfaces:
Serializable, Type
All Known Implementing Classes:
AnyType, ArrayType, BagType, CollectionType, CustomCollectionType, EntityType, IdentifierBagType, ListType, ManyToOneType, MapType, OneToOneType, OrderedMapType, OrderedSetType, SetType, SortedMapType, SortedSetType, SpecialOneToOneType

public interface AssociationType extends Type
A type that represents some kind of association between entities.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getForeignKeyDirection

      ForeignKeyDirection getForeignKeyDirection()
      Get the foreign key directionality of this association
    • useLHSPrimaryKey

      boolean useLHSPrimaryKey()
      Is the primary key of the owning entity table to be used in the join?
    • getLHSPropertyName

      String getLHSPropertyName()
      Get the name of a property in the owning entity that provides the join key (null if the identifier)
    • getRHSUniqueKeyPropertyName

      String getRHSUniqueKeyPropertyName()
      The name of a unique property of the associated entity that provides the join key (null if the identifier of an entity, or key of a collection)
    • getAssociatedJoinable

      Joinable getAssociatedJoinable(SessionFactoryImplementor factory) throws MappingException
      Get the "persister" for this association - a class or collection persister
    • getAssociatedEntityName

      String getAssociatedEntityName(SessionFactoryImplementor factory) throws MappingException
      Get the entity name of the associated entity
    • isAlwaysDirtyChecked

      boolean isAlwaysDirtyChecked()
      Do we dirty check this association, even when there are no columns to be updated?