Uses of Interface
Packages that use ContributableDatabaseObject
Some SPIs related to DDL generation and schema management.
This package defines the Hibernate configuration-time mapping model.
An SPI for tooling related to DDL generation, export, migration, and validation.
Uses of ContributableDatabaseObject in org.hibernate.boot.model.relational
Classes in org.hibernate.boot.model.relational that implement ContributableDatabaseObject -
Uses of ContributableDatabaseObject in org.hibernate.mapping
Subinterfaces of ContributableDatabaseObject in org.hibernate.mappingModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
A mapping model object which represents a user defined type.Classes in org.hibernate.mapping that implement ContributableDatabaseObject -
Uses of ContributableDatabaseObject in org.hibernate.tool.schema.spi
Methods in org.hibernate.tool.schema.spi with parameters of type ContributableDatabaseObjectModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(ContributableDatabaseObject contributed) Does the given `contributed` match this matcher?