Interface ForeignKeyContributingSource

All Known Subinterfaces:
JoinedSubclassEntitySource, PluralAttributeElementSourceManyToMany, PluralAttributeKeySource, SecondaryTableSource, SingularAttributeSourceManyToOne, SingularAttributeSourceOneToOne, SingularAttributeSourceToOne
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractToOneAttributeSourceImpl, CompositeIdentifierSingularAttributeSourceManyToOneImpl, JoinedSubclassEntitySourceImpl, PluralAttributeElementSourceManyToManyImpl, PluralAttributeKeySourceImpl

public interface ForeignKeyContributingSource
Additional contract for things which describe foreign keys.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Primarily exists to support JPA's @ForeignKey(NO_CONSTRAINT).
    Retrieve the name of the foreign key as supplied by the user, or null if the user supplied none.
    Is "cascade delete" enabled for the foreign key? In other words, if a record in the parent (referenced) table is deleted, should the corresponding records in the child table automatically be deleted?
  • Method Details

    • getExplicitForeignKeyName

      String getExplicitForeignKeyName()
      Retrieve the name of the foreign key as supplied by the user, or null if the user supplied none.
      The user supplied foreign key name.
    • createForeignKeyConstraint

      boolean createForeignKeyConstraint()
      Primarily exists to support JPA's @ForeignKey(NO_CONSTRAINT).
      true if the FK constraint should be created, false if not.
    • isCascadeDeleteEnabled

      boolean isCascadeDeleteEnabled()
      Is "cascade delete" enabled for the foreign key? In other words, if a record in the parent (referenced) table is deleted, should the corresponding records in the child table automatically be deleted?
      true, if the cascade delete is enabled; false, otherwise.