Interface PluralAttributeKeySource

All Superinterfaces:
ColumnBindingDefaults, ForeignKeyContributingSource, RelationalValueSourceContainer
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface PluralAttributeKeySource extends ForeignKeyContributingSource, RelationalValueSourceContainer
Describes the source mapping of plural-attribute (collection) foreign-key information.
  • Method Details

    • getReferencedPropertyName

      String getReferencedPropertyName()
    • isCascadeDeleteEnabled

      boolean isCascadeDeleteEnabled()
      Description copied from interface: ForeignKeyContributingSource
      Is "cascade delete" enabled for the foreign key? In other words, if a record in the parent (referenced) table is deleted, should the corresponding records in the child table automatically be deleted?
      Specified by:
      isCascadeDeleteEnabled in interface ForeignKeyContributingSource
      true, if the cascade delete is enabled; false, otherwise.