Uses of Interface

Packages that use MetadataBuildingContext
This package defines an easy way to extend Hibernate with user-defined annotations that define customized O/R mappings of annotated entities and annotated entity attributes.
Built-in implementations of AttributeBinder and TypeBinder.
This package defines the boot-time metamodel, which is an interpretation of the domain model (entity classes, embeddable classes, and attributes) and the mapping of these "domain model parts" to the database.
Defines the SPI of a registry of JPA AttributeConverters.
This API allows intervention by generic code in the process of determining the names of database objects (tables, columns, and constraints).
Support for handling named queries during the bootstrap process.
A range of SPIs allowing integration with—and customization of—the process of building metadata.
This package and its subpackages, especially, contain the built-in id generators, all of which implement either IdentifierGenerator or PostInsertIdentifierGenerator.
Internal details of implementing support for JPA callbacks
This package defines the Hibernate configuration-time mapping model.
Validation for HQL queries.
Defines a registry for Hibernate Types.