Uses of Interface

Packages that use Service
Implementation of ConnectionProvider using Agroal.
SPI for scanning archives to discover managed classes and named resources.
Implementation of the service for processing and handling cfg.xml files.
An SPI service for processing and handling cfg.xml files.
Defines service registry contracts a program may use for configuring Hibernate.
The class loading service internals.
The class loading service SPI.
The internals for building service registries.
Internals for building StrategySelector
Defines actual contract used for strategy selection.
A range of SPIs allowing integration with—and customization of—the process of building metadata.
Byte Buddy support internals
Package defining bytecode code enhancement (instrumentation) support.
Implementation of ConnectionProvider using the c3p0 Connection pool.
This package defines the API of the second-level cache service.
Internal implementations and support for second-level caching.
Defines the integration aspect of Hibernate's second-level caching, allowing a "caching backend" to be plugged in as a cache provider.
This package provides a framework intended to reduce the work needed to implement a caching provider.
This package abstracts over the multifarious dialects of SQL understood by the databases supported by Hibernate.
The built-in implementation of the configuration service.
Defines the SPI of the configuration service.
Internals for JDBC batching support.
Defines contracts for JDBC batching support.
Various implementations of the SPI contracts for obtaining JDBC Connections.
Defines SPI contracts for obtaining JDBC Connections from a provider implemented as a service.
Internals for JDBC REF_CURSOR support.
Defines contracts for JDBC REF_CURSOR support.
Internal support for Dialect resolution (from JDBC metadata) and Dialect building.
Contracts supporting Dialect resolution (from JDBC metadata) and Dialect building.
Internals for supporting various aspects of JDBC interaction
SPI contracts supporting various aspects of JDBC interaction.
The SPI contracts for integration with JNDI.
An SPI for dealing with parameters of native queries.
A range of container-specific implementations of JtaPlatform.
An SPI for integrating with container-provided implementations of JTA.
Implementation of the event listener registration service.
An SPI for the event listener registration service.
Defines the event types and event listener interfaces for events produced by the stateful Session.
Implementation of ConnectionProvider using HikariCP.
Implementation of the SPI for extensions which integrate with Hibernate via the Service mechanism.
An SPI for extensions which integrate with Hibernate via the Java ServiceLoader facility.
An internal package containing implementations of central Hibernate APIs, mostly defined in org.hibernate.
Built-in implementation of the SPI for integrating entity and collection persisters.
An SPI for integrating custom entity and collection persisters.
Contains various implementations of PropertyAccessStrategy.
An SPI abstracting how persistent attributes of an entity or embeddable type are accessed by Hibernate.
SPI for extending HibernateCriteriaBuilder with additional functionality by registering a Service.
SPI for handling SQM UPDATE and DELETE queries
Defines an SPI for integration with CDI-like containers.
An implementation of TransactionCoordinator based on JdbcResourceTransaction.
Implementations of TransactionCoordinator based on JTA.
Extended SPI contracts for the resource-level transaction capabilities of Hibernate.
Defines a framework for pluggable services, allowing for customization of key components of Hibernate, and abstraction of these components as SPI interfaces.
Implementation of the SPI for integrating pluggable services.
Defines an SPI for integrating pluggable services.
Package defining support for creating and consuming a SQL AST.
The built-in implementation of the statistics collection service.
An SPI allowing customized statistics collection.
An implementation of the SPI for the tooling related to DDL generation, export, migration, and validation.
Support for reading SQL scripts supplied to the schema tooling.
An SPI for tooling related to DDL generation, export, migration, and validation.