Uses of Interface

Packages that use Type
This package defines the central Hibernate APIs, beginning with SessionFactory, which represents an instance of Hibernate at runtime and is the source of new instances of Session and StatelessSession, the most important APIs exposing persistence-related operations for entities.
A range of SPIs allowing integration with—and customization of—the process of building metadata.
Support for bytecode interceptor implementations.
Internal implementations and support for second-level caching.
This package defines the SPI of a framework for lazy-initializing and state-tracking collection wrappers.
This package defines some central internal SPI abstractions used throughout the implementation of Hibernate.
This package defines a default set of event listeners that implement the default behaviors of Hibernate session operations.
This package defines an abstraction over all kinds of automatic value generation, including id generation and version number generation.
This package and its subpackages, especially, contain the built-in id generators, all of which implement either IdentifierGenerator or PostInsertIdentifierGenerator.
Enhanced/improved versions of table and sequence based identifier generators targeting portability and unified configuration.
An internal package containing implementations of central Hibernate APIs, mostly defined in org.hibernate.
Internal utility classes
This package defines the Hibernate configuration-time mapping model.
Defines the runtime mapping metamodel, which describes the mapping of the application's domain model parts (entities, attributes) to relational database objects (tables, columns).
This package abstracts persistence mechanisms for collections.
This package abstracts persistence mechanisms for entities.
Contains some functions for pretty-printing things for exception and log messages.
Validation for HQL queries.
Contains a range of internal abstractions for dealing with query execution, query plans, query options, and query parameters.
Most contracts here have been replaced by the new runtime mapping model.
A Hibernate Type is a strategy for mapping a Java property type to a JDBC type or types.
Implements the SPI for basic-typed value conversions.
An API for working with abstract families of DDL types parameterized by varying length, precision, and scale.
Includes several general-purpose implementations of DdlType.
Defines a registry for DdlTypes.
Defines a registry for Hibernate Types.