Uses of Class

Packages that use HibernateException
This package defines the central Hibernate APIs, beginning with SessionFactory, which represents an instance of Hibernate at runtime and is the source of new instances of Session and StatelessSession, the most important APIs exposing persistence-related operations for entities.
The various concrete action implementations.
This SPI package defines an abstraction over the notion of an "action" which is scheduled for asynchronous execution by the event listeners.
Implementation of ConnectionProvider using Agroal.
This package contains the interfaces that make up the bootstrap API for Hibernate.
Defines a model for archives which may be scanned to discover managed classes and named resources.
Support for integrating Jakarta Bean Validation.
Contains basic support for Java XML Processing (JAXP) via Streaming API for XML (StAX)
This API allows intervention by generic code in the process of determining the names of database objects (tables, columns, and constraints).
Overall, this module is responsible for taking managed-resources and building the hibernate-models model (ClassDetails, etc.) to ultimately be bound into Hibernate's boot-time model.
The class loading service SPI.
Defines actual contract used for strategy selection.
A range of SPIs allowing integration with—and customization of—the process of building metadata.
Package defining bytecode code enhancement (instrumentation) support.
Byte Buddy support internals
Package defining bytecode code enhancement (instrumentation) support.
This package defines the API of the second-level cache service.
Internal implementations and support for second-level caching.
Defines the integration aspect of Hibernate's second-level caching, allowing a "caching backend" to be plugged in as a cache provider.
Defines contracts for transactional and concurrent access to cached entity and collection data.
This package defines formats for disassembled state kept in the second level cache.
This package defines APIs for configuring Hibernate.
This package defines the SPI of a framework for lazy-initializing and state-tracking collection wrappers.
Contains SPIs which define: the notion of a context-bound or "current" session, and the notion of a "current" tenant id.
Internal implementations and support around "current session" handling.
SPI-level contracts around "current session" and "current tenant" support.
Support for Dialect-specific locking strategies.
Support for many of the internal workings of Hibernate.
Defines contracts for JDBC batching support.
Internal support for Dialect resolution (from JDBC metadata) and Dialect building.
Contracts supporting Dialect resolution (from JDBC metadata) and Dialect building.
Support for JNDI within Hibernate
Support for dealing with parameters of native queries.
This package defines some central internal SPI abstractions used throughout the implementation of Hibernate.
An SPI for integrating with container-provided implementations of JTA.
This package defines a default set of event listeners that implement the default behaviors of Hibernate session operations.
An SPI for the event listener registration service.
Defines the event types and event listener interfaces for events produced by the stateful Session.
Defines certain very important flavors of JDBCException, along with an SPI for interpreting product-specific SQLExceptions arising from a JDBC driver into something more uniform and meaningful.
Implements and extends the JPA-defined entity graph API.
Implementation of ConnectionProvider using HikariCP.
This package and its subpackages, especially, contain the built-in id generators, all of which implement either IdentifierGenerator or PostInsertIdentifierGenerator.
Enhanced/improved versions of table and sequence based identifier generators targeting portability and unified configuration.
An internal package containing implementations of central Hibernate APIs, mostly defined in org.hibernate.
Internal utility classes
A small API allowing the client of a Hibernate session to interact directly with JDBC, using the same connection and transaction obtained by the session.
This package defines functionality for processing JDBC result sets and returning complex graphs of persistent objects.
This package defines an API for accessing the runtime metamodel describing persistent entities in Java and their mappings to the relational database schema.
Defines the runtime domain metamodel, which describes the Java aspect of the application's domain model parts (entities, attributes).
This package abstracts persistence mechanisms for collections.
This package abstracts persistence mechanisms for entities.
An SPI for integrating custom entity and collection persisters.
Defines support for executing database stored procedures and functions and accessing their outputs.
An SPI abstracting how persistent attributes of an entity or embeddable type are accessed by Hibernate.
This package defines a framework for lazy-initializing entity proxies.
Everything related to HQL/JPQL, native SQL, and criteria queries.
Package defining support for HQL, including JPQL as a subset of HQL.
Support for named queries
Contains a range of internal abstractions for dealing with query execution, query plans, query options, and query parameters.
This package defines a semantic model of HQL queries.
Package defining support for SqmFunctionDescriptor handling.
Package for the translation of SQM into SQL AST
Nodes representing expressions in the SQM tree.
An implementation of the bean container SPI based on CDI.
Defines the resource-level transaction capabilities of Hibernate, centered around the TransactionCoordinator contract.
An implementation of TransactionCoordinator based on JdbcResourceTransaction.
Implementations of TransactionCoordinator based on JTA.
Extended SPI contracts for the resource-level transaction capabilities of Hibernate.
Defines support for dealing with results returned from database via JDBC.
Defines a framework for pluggable services, allowing for customization of key components of Hibernate, and abstraction of these components as SPI interfaces.
Implementation of the SPI for integrating pluggable services.
Defines an SPI for integrating pluggable services.
Package defining a SQL AST for use in generation of SQL.
AST nodes representing root tables and joins in a SQL tree.
Support for execution of SQL statements via JDBC.
Package for processing JDBC ResultSets into hydrated domain model graphs based on a "load plan" defined by a "domain result graph", that is, one or more DomainResult nodes with zero or more Fetch nodes.
Defines an SPI for schema information extraction from the database via JDBC.
An implementation of the SPI for the tooling related to DDL generation, export, migration, and validation.
An SPI for tooling related to DDL generation, export, migration, and validation.
A Hibernate Type is a strategy for mapping a Java property type to a JDBC type or types.
Integrates a range of types defined by the JDK with the type system of Hibernate.
An API for user-defined custom types which extend the set of built-in types defined in org.hibernate.type.